
ledger2beancount is a Perl script and relies on the following modules:

  • Date::Calc
  • DateTime::Format::Strptime
  • enum
  • File::BaseDir
  • Getopt::Long::Descriptive
  • List::MoreUtils
  • Regexp::Common
  • String::Interpolate
  • YAML::XS

You can install the required Perl modules with cpanminus:

cpanm --installdeps .

If you use Debian, you can install the dependencies with this command:

sudo apt install libdate-calc-perl libdatetime-format-strptime-perl \
    libenum-perl libfile-basedir-perl libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl \
    liblist-moreutils-perl libregexp-common-perl \
    libstring-interpolate-perl libyaml-libyaml-perl

Note that String::Interpolate (libstring-interpolate-perl) was not released as part of Debian 10 (buster) but is available via buster-backports.

ledger2beancount itself consists of one script. You can clone the repository and run the script directly or copy it to $HOME/bin or a similar location:

git clone
cd ledger2beancount
./bin/ledger2beancount examples/simple.ledger

Arch Linux

ledger2beancount is available on AUR.


ledger2beancount is available in Debian.


You can create a Docker image for ledger2beancount using the Dockerfile that's part of ledger2beancount's Git repository:

git clone
cd ledger2beancount
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker image build -t <IMAGENAME> .

Now you can run ledger2beancount like this:

docker run --rm -v <HOSTDIR>:/usr/ledger2beancount/docker:rw <IMAGENAME> docker/<LEDGER FILE>


You can install Perl and cpanm from Homebrew:

brew install perl
brew install cpanminus

Microsoft Windows

You can install Strawberry Perl on Windows and use cpanm as described above to install the required Perl modules. ledger2beancount is not packaged for Windows but you can clone this Git repository and run the script.


ledger2beancount is available for pkgsrc which is used on NetBSD and other operating systems.


ledger2beancount is available in Ubuntu.